
Adressing Antisemitism through Education in the Visegrad Group Countries: A Mapping Report
Adressing Antisemitism through Education in the Visegrad Group Countries: A Mapping Report

This mapping report examines the Visegrad Group countries’ policies relating to remembrance and education about the Holocaust and antisemitism (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia). The report draws on the studies on antisemitism published in the region and the interviews conducted with experts, researchers, pioneers, teachers, and Jewish community members.

The study consists of five sections. Section 1 provides background information and introduces the reader to relevant policies and penal measures. Section 2 examines Holocaust commemoration activities, and Section 3 looks at relevant government policies, including textbooks, curricula, and teacher training. Finally, Section 4 introduces civil society good practices, and Section 5 shares recommendations for authorities and civil society.

52 pages, English

Anna Makówka-Kwapisiewicz

© 2022, KIgA e. V.

This publication was made possible through the financial support of the German Federal Foreign Office. However, the views, opinions, and positions expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of the Federal Foreign Office.