European Network for Countering Antisemitism through Education (ENCATE) called for nominations for the Steering Committee.

The Steering Committee is the governance body of ENCATE. The main objective of the Steering Committee is to facilitate the fulfillment of ENCATE’s mission through the development and support of policies, strategies, and activities of the Network.



Member organizations can nominate persons from their organizations (a board member, director, employee, trustee, etc.). Please send your nominee(s) to until December 22 morning. Please include:


    1. Full name and contact information (address, phone/fax with a country and city code, email) of the nominee(s); 
    2. One CV in pdf format.
    3. Personal reasons for serving on the SC and ideas about their role (max 200 words).
    4. One profile photo

Requirements for SC nomination: 


  • Willingness and ability to actively contribute to the SC. 
  • Investment of time and expertise in the Network (estimated 8 working days per year).
  • Affiliation with a member organization of ENCATE (professional, membership, or otherwise);
  • Adherence to the rules listed ENCATE regulations 



Votes will be cast online by the representative of each eligible* member organization until January 10 at 5 pm for four members of the SC. The ballots will be secret. We will provide you with a link later.


  * Organizations that have been members for over six months are eligible to vote.


KIgA e. V. will directly assign a member until January 10 at 5 pm.